donate funds

invest in us

Potluck’s support comes primarily from foundations and grants, and from individual donations from people like you.

Would you like to be part of our mission to waste less food, feed more people, and help the environment? Your monetary donations will:

  • Help reduce food waste in Central Arkansas
  • Help divert food to people who need it
  • Help reduce greenhouse gases

Our food pickup, redistribution, and other services are provided free of charge, so your donations mean a lot to us. They will go a long way toward making our community and state better for everyone. You can help us expand our services and develop new hunger-relief programming. Your donations help us fill plates, not landfills!

your donation will go far


provides food for a family of 5 for one week


fills our gas tank for one week


provides enough food for one homeless shelter for a week


provides 50 meals


provides 100 meals


provides 500 meals

ways to give

by online form

Scroll to the secure form below and enter your payment info.

by phone

Please call Potluck at 501.371.0303.

by mail

Send your check made payable to Potluck Inc. to…

Potluck, Inc.
P.O. Box 251558
Little Rock, AR 72225

by vanguard charitable

Give with your Vanguard Donor Advised Fund.

by Kroger Community rewards

Use this guide to link your digital account with your Shopper’s Card and select Potluck Food Rescue as the organization you wish to support!

get your company involved